Choose an Event Type

Birthday Party - 50 FREE invites

This birthday type of event will allow you to invite people up to 50 people for FREE to your private birthday party by either sending them an e-mail from Hold An Event with all the events information. If you go over 50 people we will charge you a $5 processing fee. The information you will be able to collect will be names and e-mail addresses.

Book Club - 50 FREE invites

This book club type of event will allow you to invite people up to 50 people for FREE to your private book club by either sending them an e-mail from Hold An Event with all the events information. If you go over 50 people we will charge you a $5 processing fee. The information you will be able to collect will be names and e-mail addresses.

Web Event - $5

This web event type of event will allow you to invite people as many people as you want for a $5 processing fee. The information you will be able to collect will be names, e-mail addresses, job title, company name, company or personal URL, and blog URL.

Conference - $10

This web event type of event will allow you to invite people as many people as you want for a $10 processing fee. The information you will be able to collect will be names, e-mail addresses, job title, company name, company or personal URL, and blog URL. This will allow you to keep other information about the event for you, the attendees, and the workers. Some of these other options is to have paid attendees, sponsors, speaker information, event calendar and the like.

Other Event - $15/monthly fee

This other event type of event will allow you to create multiple events a month up to use Hold An Event to book conference rooms, which you can add the number of attendees per room, what equipment is in the room like computer, slide projector, etc.